Business Development Training & Support 

for Coaches

(Since 1998) 

Arrow p.4

You learned how to be a good coach. 

Now it's time to



If not now, when? 






Would you like a Coaching Business for Life? TM 

"What's that, you ask?"

  • Make the impact for which you were born, not be a slave to your business
  • Earn your worth, not "chase some crazy ideal."  (Most target $180K/year or less)
  • Keep things simple with your marketing, not follow the next social media fad or magic pill. (Sorry, no magic here. 😛)
  • Travel and work from anywhere in the world if you want because your business is not constrained by mere walls or borders!
  •  Enjoy six weeks off per year. (That's mandatory with us! )
  • Feel attractive and confident in sales & marketing. (YES, it's possible!) 

Let's cut to the "money part" so you don't have to scroll.

(Let's be honest, we all do it! 😁)

We're proud to offer these core* packages, positioned to serve you.


Whis is best for you?



Before 9/13

VIP (Group + Individual)

$2k per month

$1.5k per month

Speak 4 Clients Live!($5k value)

Individual Only 

$1.5k per month

$1k per month

4 Bonus Sessions!

Group Only

$750 per month


Two for One!


*   We have other options to help you grow your business if these are not a fit.                                          (See below to schedule a Discovery Session.) 

**  Bonuses with a 12-month commitment.  This is where we promise/guarantee you the

      best results  

***  Groups are intimate for personal attention! (12 max)     

****  Only four Individual or VIP available  


What does "promise/guarantee" mean exactly?  THANK YOU for asking!  😁 

In our Discovery Session, we agree on an income target, or another metric that's important to you.  I promise you will achieve it.   If not, we keep going, or you get a refund, your choice.

"But that's not coaching," you say?  That's correct.  I'm a trainer and consultant with a coaching approach.  I've been doing this for 25 years and I've got it down.  You're hiring me to help you create, grow and enjoy a lifestyle coaching business.  If you don't, it means I failed and shouldn't earn money for that.  

 If I invite you to join me, it means that I believe in you

The question is, do YOU believe in YOU? 

There are SEVEN KEYS to achieving your goals together:

Know what you WANT 

Believe that you get it

Know WHAT to DO to get it

Know HOW to DO it


Measure and Adjust 

Enjoy the Process


Here's What We Do Together:

  • Evolve your mindset, especially marketing & money!
  • Gain clarity at last on your Target Market & Niche
  • Set yourself apart with your own Signature System 
  • Build your "KISS Marketing Train:" Active, Passive, Keep in Touch, and Follow-up marketing strategies
  • Design your Core & Peripheral Product & Service Portfolio
  • Construct your Three-Tiered Pricing Matrix
  • Fashion your Time & Action Management Blueprint
  • Master the Synchronistic Sales Process tm 
  • Learn and practice how to Handle Objections with dignity, and respect. (No slime or sleaze here.) 

And Why We Do It:

  • Enjoy clarity, peace of mind, and increased confidence
  • Save time by uncovering exactly where to find your clients
  • Diminish the burden of having to "sell yourself."
  • No more falling for the latest marketing fads and gimmicks or searching for "the magic formula"
  • Support your prospects with options vs "yes" or "no"
  • Truly serve by meeting folks where they're at
  • Finally have the answer to "What should I be doing?" 😁 
  • Fall in love with sales because you realize it's coaching!
  • Secure more Discovery Sessions and thus, more clients when you partner with prospects in a spirit of cooperation

Included in Individual + Group:

Robust Client Profile Intake Questionnaire

90-minute 1:1 "Blueprint Session"

Personal Written Business Blueprint

24 Individual Sessions!

24 Small Group Sessions*

12 Hours of Asynchronous Training Curriculum

Two Hour 1:1 Business Planning Session

"Just In Time" Coaching Sessions as Needed

Email Feedback on Anything

Personal Action & Accountability System


*Group meets on alternating Thursdays

Noon - 1:15pm EST

9/19/24 - 12/11/25 



"Buddy Up" for $750/month each*

*Coaching sessions will be 75 minutes instead of 50

Included in Group Only:

Mini Client Profile Questionnaire




24 Small Group Sessions*

12 Hours of Asynchronous Training Curriculum

Two Hour Group Business Planning Session

Limited Email Feedback

Group Action & Accountability  


*Group meets alternating Thursdays

Noon - 1:15pm EST

9/19/24 - 12/11/25 


BOGO and Split the Fee!

Next Step: Schedule a Consultation

PRAISE for Michael's Coaching!

Cindy Locher BCH - Founder, ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center

“I hired Michael years ago to be my business coach, and we've been friends since. He asks the right questions, listens, and challenges me in ways that I never thought of before. He helped evolve my mindset, marketing, sales, pricing and more.

Founder, ChangeWorks Hypnosis Center

Rina Mora - Visionary Life & Business Coach, Tiny But Mighty Coaching

“I hired Michael as my business development coach in 2020, then I re-upped with him again and again! Why? Because we are cranking in the growth of my business! Michael is so caring and knowledgeable. And just about every month I get multiple new 1-1 clients and I just filled my first group. I love his system so much I became a licensee!”

Visionary Life & Business Coach, Tiny But Mighty Coaching

Rodger Blaker PCC - President Rodger Blaker Coaching

“Since I began following Michael’s process and advice, my average number of clients has DOUBLED from 12 to 24 per month and as a consequence, MY AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME HAS DOUBLED. ”

President Rodger Blaker Coaching

Cliff Backsheider - Principal, Talent Development Works

“Michael --- I was just now able to take time with your Webinar on holding webinars, etc. that you sent. Fabulous!! Thanks for sending that--I can see ways to do this as I move forward---have lots of questions but that are more focused. Thanks! ”

Principal, Talent Development Works